If you have any land tax issues, please contact us.
Typical issues include the following:
You can object if you believe the land value is too high.
Note that the valuation is based on the unimproved land value, not the improved value as at a certain base date.
Certain conditions apply.
The objection must be filed within a particular period of time (60 days of the date of the valuation or assessment), and in a particular form.
An extension of time will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.
Yes. A taxpayer has a right of objection.
Certain conditions apply.
The objection must be filed within a particular period of time (60 days of the date of the valuation or assessment), and in a particular form.
An extension of time will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.
An audit letter may have been issued by RNSW for a range of reasons. The best policy is to respond openly, truthfully and within the time period specified.
Yes, in certain circumstances.
There is a specific exemption for properties that are listed heritage properties and/or affected by listed heritage items.
Certain conditions apply.
Yes, in certain circumstances.
There is a specific exemption for primary production activity.
Only certain activities are exempt and strict conditions apply.
Yes, in certain circumstances.
There is a specific exemption for this particular activity.
Certain conditions apply.
Yes, in certain circumstances.
There is a specific exemption for this particular activity.
Certain conditions apply.
Yes. You may be entitled to a full or partial exemption in certain circumstances.
There is a specific exemption for this particular activity.
Certain conditions apply.
Yes, there is an exemption in certain circumstances.
There is a specific exemption for this particular activity.
Certain conditions apply.
Yes, in certain circumstances.
There is a specific exemption for this particular activity.
Certain conditions apply.
Yes, certain charities, educational institutions and religious organisations may apply for an exemption.
Certain conditions apply.
Yes, in certain circumstances.
Certain conditions apply.
Yes, in certain circumstances.
Certain conditions apply.
Some improvements should be taken into account.
There is a specific exemption for such improvements.
Certain conditions apply.
Yes, in certain circumstances.
Certain conditions apply.
Yes, in certain circumstances.
There is a specific exemption for this particular activity.
Certain conditions apply.
Yes, in certain circumstances.
There is a specific exemption for this particular activity.
Certain conditions apply.
Yes, in certain circumstances.
There is a specific exemption for this particular activity.
Certain conditions apply.
Yes. A “family” (as defined in the legislation) may only claim one home as their principle place of residence. Land tax will be payable on the other home. It will be a matter of fact and circumstance as to which of the properties is taken to be the families’ principle place of residence for land tax purposes.
Yes. A “family” (as defined in the legislation) may only claim one home as their principle place of residence. Land tax will be payable on the other partners’ home.
Certain conditions apply.
What constitutes a “family” is outlined in the legislation, as is the concept of a “defacto relationship”.
In certain circumstances the principal place of residence exemption may apply.
There are land tax implications.
Some exemptions may not apply if the property is acquired in the name of a company.
You should obtain advice before proceeding with any purchase.
There are land tax implications.
Some exemptions may not apply if the property is acquired in the name of a trust.
You should obtain advice before proceeding with any purchase.
There are land tax implications.
If you are deemed to be a “foreign resident” and acquire “residential land” as defined under the relevant laws, then an additional land tax surcharge may apply.
Certain other exemptions may not apply.
You should obtain advice before proceeding with any purchase.
RNSW has the power to file a caveat on the title to secure repayment of the outstanding land tax liability.
Yes. The land owner is liable for the land tax as assessed.
You may be able to recoup some of the land tax from the purchaser provided this is allowed under the sale contract.
Yes. The taxpayer has the obligation to notify RNSW of any acquisition, even if the taxpayer already owns land in NSW.
If there is more than one owner then each owner has an obligation to notify RNSW.
Penalties apply for non-disclosure.
Yes. The taxpayer has the obligation to notify RNSW of any change in use.
Penalties apply for non-disclosure.
There are specific allowances for deceased estates, to enable the property to be sold in an orderly fashion.
You do not pay NSW land tax on any properties located outside NSW.
You may however be liable for land tax in the State or territory in which the other land is located.
The fact that you own property somewhere else in the world may be taken into account when considering whether any land tax exemption applies.
The rates of interest and penalty tax imposed will depend on the nature of the tax default.
The level of interest and penalty tax will match the culpability of the taxpayer. For taxpayers who exercise “reasonable care”, and voluntarily disclose their tax liability as soon as they become aware of it, they will have less interest and/or penalty imposed than those taxpayers who do not.
Interest charged has two components. The first is the market rate (as determined by RNSW). The second is the premium rate which is designed to deter non-compliance and to ensure that defaulting taxpayers are not advantaged when compared to other taxpayers who meet their tax obligations.
Penalty tax charged can be anywhere between 15% – 90% of the original assessment, depending on the circumstances.
Interest and penalty tax can be reduced or remitted in certain circumstances.
It is possible to negotiate appropriate payment arrangements with RNSW, depending on the circumstances.
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